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SUICIDAL WINDS - Chaos Rising (2008)

Chaos Rising (2008)
Pulverized Records

This album has been in my P990i music folder for the longest time.. I think for the last 5 months or so. I kind of heard it a couple of times but haven't written anything about this band till now.. Well, they're from Sweden and they play blackened thrash with death metal influences.. The guitars have thrash metal style of playing, blackened lyrics and death metal delivery.

At first, you may mistake the black and white cover artwork for a D.I.Y. cover but actually its just black and white styled to look like D.I.Y. Covers like that are quite a trend in the black underground.

The standard album has eleven thrash tracks but I got twelve including a bonus track that is actually just a bass doodle not really in the vein of the whole album.

Here are some of the thrash tracks:

Slowly We Frost/World's End
The intro is an entire song beautifully dark and evil with slight plucking from one of the guitarist while the other is laying the pavement by distorted guitar then after the whole melody is over it's the world's end with it's high voltage aggression. This song almost symbolizes the word "pulverizing" with its relentless fast lashing out. A relatively short song but done nicely with bass solo parts, a guitar solo and a strong fucking start that really pummels you down with pure harshness and force.

Annihilation And Chaos
This is another onslaught of thrash/death anti anthem. Gives you the picture that you're in the middle of a war zone of metal legions circling around and ready to bring the hurt. I actually like the short guitar solo here kinda reminds you of Kirk in his prime and without the wah-wah effect. Unlike the first song that lays you down gently.. This one is aggressive start to finish.

Chaos Rising
The title track in the middle of the album. This is the pinnacle and epicenter of the whole fucking maelstrom. Short but straight forward combining all their musical influences into a song with pure intensity. This will disintegrate souls.

Straight forward and no pretensions.. short and tight song without mood setting parts. This is pure pain delivered in a terrorizing style. One of the bands that you can practically hear everyone bring something into the sound scape. I love the subliminal bass tracks that spawns out every here and there through out this carnage. The songs may integrate and do sound much a like but if you listen closely these guys really create devastating riffs not found in thrash pretenders. This is truly one thrash album for our collections.


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